Organic baby formula
Organic baby formula infantiz

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European product


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European Organic Certified


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European Baby Formula
Stages Made Simple

Hipp European Baby Formula

Why should I choose European organic formula for my baby?

The certification from Europe is difficult, or it requires lots of quality potential to get certified. European organic formula is also far better than a US formula because of its manufacturing. It is healthy for babies to eat because it doesn't have any extra sugar or corn syrup, doesn't contain GMOs, and isn't processed with them.

What makes a European organic formula beneficial?

Many European baby formula contains omega-3 (which helps promote healthy growth of soft cell tissues and brain development in babies) and omega-6, extracted from fish oils, making them healthier and beneficial for consumption.

What is the difference between cow and goat formula milk?

The cow milk formula is full of nutrition and is the most commonly used, whereas the goat formula contains a lesser amount of lactose which makes it easily digestible and gentle on the baby's stomach.

Why is Infantiz only selling European-based organic formulas?

Infantiz aims to sell highly nutritious and hygienic, so we choose to sell European organic baby formula, as they do not compromise on quality nor contain any GMOs, added sugars, or soy. We want to help parents embrace a good period of parenthood and choose healthy baby options.

When is the right time to switch from stage 1 of the formula to stage 2?

Most parents find it ideal for switching to stage 2 formula milk at the age of about six months of the baby because stage 2 has more nutrients required for the baby's further growth, or it may be used as the follow-up formula for the baby, the toddler.

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