A Complete Guide for Switching a Baby Formula

A Complete Guide for Switching a Baby Formula

There are certain conditions where you might observe some signs and symptoms in your baby that have never happened before. These signs indicate that your baby might need a different formula or that you are feeding your little one is not suitable. It is true for different conditions that, your baby might be in need of a different formula, and the symptoms are not always related to health.

There could be some digestive issues that do not occur often but are suddenly in observation for a few days. It becomes a great difficulty for parents to go through these changes in their baby because it does let your baby suffer a lot, and these uncommon symptoms are not easier to handle. These changes indicate an alteration in a baby formula so things can become easier for you and your baby.


Signs Indicating Switching Of a Baby Formula


These signs might include sudden passing of gas or having a lot of colic issues, frequent spitting of milk, constipation, and even diarrhea can occur. This indicates an alarming situation that lets you think about whether the formula you are giving your baby is right or if you may need to change it.

These are the signs that occur at the beginning. Some symptoms also occur on an extreme level, like fussiness, serious constipation, bloody stool or watery diarrhea, too much spitting up milk, forceful vomiting, and even allergic symptoms. 

By this, you can easily identify that your baby is having difficulties digesting the formula you are giving. For this, you need expert medical advice on whether you need to switch to a new formula.


Possible Solutions Before Switching a Formula


Before getting onto the decision to switch the baby formula, you can also give a try to switch only the brand of the formula because whatever formula you are feeding your baby, it is possible that the same formula with similar ingredients could be suitable for your baby and only switching the brand of the formula may resolve your problem. 

But remember, it is always the best advice to consult your pediatrician before making any sort of changes to the formula for your baby for an expert opinion. Sometimes you also need to make bigger decisions, like completely switching a formula from cow's milk to lactose-free, which requires expert advice too. Sometimes this could also happen when parents start being curious about the formula. For this, you need to consult your baby's doctor.  

Your Baby Needs To Switch The Formula If:


It is always harder for babies to manage the world outside the womb, so every change should be monitored carefully by the parents to stay away from any sort of serious problems. A behavioral change in babies can alert their parents regarding the formula change.

Fussiness in babies can occur for several reasons, like hunger, the need to change the diaper, temperature, and much more. A formula change indicates that if your baby is being fussy after drinking the milk formula or being irritated, then it's time to think for you to consider a formula change. 


Regarding the topic of constipation, the problem of constipation in babies might sometimes happen, like not doing poop for two days without a bowel movement seem quite normal, but if your baby is uncomfortable and having the most frequent bowel movements with painful cramps in the stomach and even passing out the hard stools than these are all the concerning signs of constipation and the solution towards this problem is switching a formula for providing relief to your baby.


This condition can happen due to a number of reasons. It is possible that your baby is facing the problem of diarrhea, so this might be due to the wrong formulation of the milk. You might not have added sufficient water to prepare the formula leading toward the concentrated form of the milk instead of the properly diluted form. As a result, the sign of diarrhea can occur. 

But suppose your baby continuously has diarrhea after a certain number of feedings. In that case, this is a clear sign of switching a formula to provide comfort to your baby.


Suppose your baby needs a diaper change after six hours or spits up the milk rarely. In that case, it is alright having no things to worry about. Still, the situation becomes serious if your baby spits up about two tablespoons after each formula feeding. It is a better idea to switch the formula as your baby's stomach is not tolerating it. 

The serious concern is when your baby forcefully throws up the formula to get the fed formula out of himself instead of just spitting. Vomiting with such a force can prevent your baby from getting vital nutrients through formula. You need to go to a doctor if this happens straight away. 


Your baby's stool indicates his health, so this needs serious attention from the parents. The blood in the stool can indicate a sign of an allergy to cow's milk formula. In order to find the exact cause of this issue, you may need to visit your doctor.


Your baby might adopt an allergy to cow milk formula due to the presence of milk protein in it in the early stages of growth. This happens due to the imbalance of the baby's immune system producing an abnormal reaction to the proteins found in cow's milk. It differs for every baby. Some of them get allergic to soy in formula, and even the presence of starch in formulas can cause allergies in babies. 

The signs of allergy resulting from formula milk feeding arise within 10 days of feeding the baby, including wheezing, swelling, skin rashes, eczema, vomiting, etc. In these cases, you will contact your child's pediatrician to switch formula and choose the right one. 

Switching Towards Sensitive Baby Formula


Suppose your baby is facing the problems like fussiness, gastrointestinal issues, weight loss, or any kind of allergic reaction continuously. In that case, it is time to switch to a sensitive formula specially made for sensitive babies. It is of many kinds from different brands for every specific sensitivity. The problems faced by a baby could be causing him irritability. This is why switching to a sensitive formula is necessary as soon as possible.


Switching towards a Semi-Hydrolyzed Formula


Babies facing the issues of gas and fussiness can be given a partially hydrolyzed formula that helps them make the digestion process easier through their formation with gentle ingredients that simplifies the process of digestion in babies. These formulas can be a choice in case of sensitivities but not allergies. 

Switching towards a Completely Hydrolyzed Formula


These formulas are known as Hypoallergenic formulas that are made by considerably using hydrolyzed milk. Through this process, the milk is broken down through hydrolyzation by the removal of complex casein protein. By this, only whey protein is left behind, which is much easier to digest and low in causing allergens. 

A well-known and popular milk formula manufactured by the name of HiPP Combiotic HA formula is a hypoallergenic formula that has been tried and tested for over 25 years. It is a trustable choice for parents due to its lower chances of causing allergens. 




Infantiz serves a wide range of European-based formulas, from organic to non-organic ones. Suppose you face any sort of problem with any formula milk. In that case, you can switch the baby's formula by taking the correct guidance from your pediatrician, as we always recommend having the correct guidance regarding any formula milk you feed your baby. 

We offer a complete range of milk formulas, from sensitive to hypoallergenic, from different popular brands. You can check our website for complete product information on milk formula from different brands. Then you can choose accordingly which formula your pediatrician has recommended you and which is suitable for your happier little one or not!

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