Different Stages of European Formula

Different Stages of European Formula
It is a universal fact that breastmilk is the best option for feeding your babies with essential nutrients, especially in their first year of life. There are plenty of different reasons related to breastfeeding. For all of these situations, baby formulas were invented to ease the life of people along with feeding your little ones with the required nutrients essential for growth and development. 

Baby formulas are specifically manufactured and designed with immense care to feed your infant with nutritious and safe milk that provides health and aids in the development of your babies, followed up accordingly. These formula milk are designed at different stages to meet all the baby's nutritional requirements and help them grow healthier with the best intake of formula milk that fulfills all the health requirements. 

Multiple brands are being sold in the market, and Infantiz is one of them, selling formulas that meet your baby's requirement criteria at every stage. The milk formula brands manufacture stage one, two, three, and four formulas with nutritional values depending on age and growth. The stages are labeled PRE, then 1,2, 3, and 4. In contrast, some European formula milk is labeled as infant and follow-up infant formula for every baby. Every parent has to choose the right formula stage mentioned in every European formula and feed their babies with the right one. 

About Formula Stages


According to European Union, all baby formulas lie in two categories one of them is infant formula and the other one is follow-up formula. Both formulas are designed to meet the nutritional requirements of babies from infant to at least one year old. It also depends on which formula you are feeding to your baby; all of the European formulas are created as per strict guidelines provided by the European Commission of Food Safety Authority. They have ensured the levels of micro and macronutrients per your baby's needs in all of their European baby formulas to fulfill your baby's nutrient requirements. 

Stage 1 of infant formula will provide your baby with a sufficient amount of nutrients until the age of six months to one year, up until your baby is introduced to solid foods. The second stage of a follow-up European baby formula is the complementary side feeding along with the diet because this formula cannot be used in the babies' first six months of age. The follow-up formula is the primary liquid food source in an infant’s wide range of food diet. These two different stages of formulas are given simultaneously at the mentioned appropriate age in order to avoid health problems for your little ones. The best possible key is to feed your baby with the infant formula from birth to six months and then feed with the follow-up one from six months onwards.


Purpose of Formula Stages


There are different necessary purposes for feeding your baby with formula milk of different stages. Manufacturing companies create stages of formula milk by manufacturing companies to copy the nutritional values making the formula similar to breastmilk as per your baby's needs according to their age. 

Throughout the lactation period, the breastmilk fluid has some changes in its nutrient composition, and these changes given to infants provide them with better growth rates and metabolic needs during their first year of growing age. Baby formula milk has a static composition, which needs to be changed according to age to improve formula-feeding infants' nutrition.

The packaging of formula milk may tell you the appropriate age group for which it has been designed, and you can give it to your little one safely with the nutrient composition list on the packaging too. 

The Highlighting Differences between different stages

Stage#1- Infant Formula

This is the beginning formula given to your babies as per the pediatrician's prescription. This infant formula of stage 1 is developed with whey protein from cow's milk or even goat's milk; both contain easily digestible milk proteins. The use of these gentle proteins in an infant's 1st stage of the formula is because babies can better tolerate these. The Stage 1 formula is used from birth, and it is used as a replacement for breastfeeding.

Stage#2- Follow-up Formula

The 2nd stage of baby formula is a follow-up formula. It is designed with ingredients that can be absorbed by your little ones right after the birth infant formula, which is mild and delicate on their tummies. Stage 2 of the formula milk is quite similar to stage 1. It has a similar quantity of nutrients except for the fact that it contains higher amounts of iron and vitamin D. Some stage 2 formulas also contain starch and maltodextrin to make the formula rich and filling for babies.

This stage of formula can also be used as a baby food supplement to keep your babies full, and this formula also provides higher levels of energy hence satisfying the baby's hunger needs. 

Stage#3- Follow-up Formula

It is used for slightly higher age groups than stage 2 formula-consuming babies. There is a difference in age groups for the intake of this formula for babies. Some companies make it for 10 months of babies, and some manufacture it for 12 months older babies. This stage of formula milk possesses higher levels of energy, more nutrients, and developed starch content for the more developed digestive system of growing babies.

The Right Time to Change a Baby Formula Stage


This is the most frequently asked question by parents what is the right time to change the formula milk stage of babies? At first, you need to begin with feeding your baby with the infant formula then your next approach should be moving on to the follow-up formula. All you need to do is to ensure that you follow appropriate age guidelines provided by European Union for European formulas and the rest for other countries specific guidelines. 

These formulas are designed to ensure the nutrient level your baby needs, especially at the infant stage, like protein, vitamins, fiber, minerals, starch, and much more that are essential to be taken by babies from birth and onwards. The first changing stage comes right after your baby turns six months old without any worries. Afterward, your baby can be given a follow-up formula in combination with solid foods as per the increased nutritional requirements of the baby's growing age.

The babies, when born, are enriched with an iron supply that starts to run out after the babies turn six months old, so the follow-up formulas are made keeping these things in mind that they are enriched with higher levels of iron to fulfill the baby's needs as these external sources of iron are very much important for babies to protect them from any sort of iron deficiency. 

The best thing about the European formulas is that the use of DHA omega-3 fatty acid is compulsory to be added in them as it is an important component for a baby's eye health, along with playing a crucial role in the growth & development of bones and muscles of babies.


Reasons for Switching a Baby Formula Stage


There are a number of different reasons for switching a baby formula stage, including:

The appropriate age of the child.

To fulfill the requirements of additional nutrients for growing babies.

Switching towards the second stage of a formula for fulfilling additional iron requirements babies require after six months.

Fulfilling the hunger needs of babies by switching on to the next stage formula, which acts as a food supplement for babies. Switching to the next stage of the formula is important because every stage of formula milk is designed accordingly for fulfilling the nutrient requirements of growing babies.



The different stages of baby formula milk are made with some purposes that are discussed in detail in this blog to help the parents develop an understanding of choosing the right stage of formula milk for their little one. As we all know, babies undergo many changes during the development process after birth. Hence, they require an additional energy source and nutrients as they grow and want a higher intake of proteins and other nutrients, much more than the previous stage.

This rapid development requires a formula that fulfills all the needs required for growth and development. This is why formula milk stages are made to ensure the correct dosage of nutrients. Infantiz offers a wide range of baby formulas with every stage manufactured by the brands to ensure the nutrient needs fulfilling of your babies as we care for them as you do.

Place the orders of your choice of formula milk for your babies and get to feed them nutritional formulas at affordable pricing with the proper guidelines mentioned on our website!

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